Kenfitt is proud to announce that, since 2003, it has certified its internal operating process in accordance with ISO9001.
Our company offers the necessary quality procedures to identify and satisfy the needs expected by its customers, in order to be recognized as a reference partner.
The General Management, through the Quality Manager, encourages the application, improvement and development of the Quality System and strives to ensure that the principles of quality contained in the procedures and instructions are disseminated, understood and shared by all employees and collaborators.

Quality Policy

Kenfitt srl, always attentive to the needs of the market, has decided to comply with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO9001: 2015 standard to identify and satisfy the needs expected by its customers and relevant stakeholders, in order to be recognized as a reference partner.
The following quality policy is therefore born as a commitment of the General Management, as well as the work of all staff, in obtaining and maintaining the certification to the UNI EN ISO9001: 2015, which includes:
• Customer orientation and satisfaction of the needs of the same as well as stakeholders relevant to the management system.
• Continuous improvement of the product and of the service, also with a cogent nature both of products and impacting the company management system.
• The continuous attention to the needs of employees in order to establish and maintain a corporate atmosphere that can encourage their behavioral and professional growth.
• Continuous improvement of its performance, optimizing internal processes.
• The quality management system is based on a Risk-Based Thinking (RBT) approach that can determine the factors that could generate process deviations from the ISO9001: 2015 standard, carry out preventive controls in order to minimize any negative effects and to seize the opportunities offered by the market.
The quality management system is based on a Risk-To approach to ensure its understanding and sharing, the quality policy has been disseminated at all levels of the organization through training sessions and exhibitions inside the premises, so to make it accessible to visitors too.
On the basis of the general principles set out below, detailed targets are defined and monitored during the annual reviews by the Management, in order to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Thinking quality management system (RBT) able to determine the factors that could generate process deviations with respect to ISO9001: 2015, to carry out preventive controls in order to minimize any negative effects and to seize the opportunities offered by the market.
Kenfitt srl defines, and annually reviews to evaluate its effectiveness, quality as:
1 – RESPONDING TO CUSTOMER NEEDS, which translates into:
– Ensure compliance with contractual, technical and qualitative requirements
– Improve the reliability of the product and the service
– Consolidate customer satisfaction
– Develop and optimize processes and know-how
2 – TRAINING AND RESOURCES which form the basis for achieving quality objectives and translating into:
– Strengthen the level of competence, professionalism, involvement and motivation of employees
– Promote the search for the causes of the problems that occur
– Make available adequate resources (facilities, installations, equipment, machines and equipment)
– Ensure a high level of maintenance, safety and reliability of the means available
– Ensure a favorable work environment
– Maintain the level of supplier performance
3 – STRATEGY that is outlined a:
– Achieve continuous performance improvement
– Promote problem solving and preventive activity
– Systematically measure performance to increase results
– Increase the number of customers and understand the needs of the market.