Flexible hoses made of rubber, stainless steel and composite materials.

Kenfitt srl offers a wide range of flexible hoses made of different materials to suit in the best way all the requirements for the transfer of fluids. Our range of hoses is designed and manufactured according to the most common standards as EN12115, EN1765, EN13765, BS5842:1980, ISO10380
Rubber flexible hoses are available for suction and delivery with Epdm,  Nbr,Viton®, UPE, Ptfe lining in accordance to DIN-BS-EN specifications.
Composite hoses offer some benefits as lightness, flexibility and resistance to low temperatures so they are used in chemical, petrochemical and  avio markets. They are manufactured with polypropylene, polyethylene, polyamide and Ptfe/Ectfe films between the internal and external metallic wires. They are available from DN 1” to DN 10” with pressure range 7-25 bar in accordance to the model. The Fire Safe version it is also available.
Stainless steel flexible hoses. AISI 316L corrugated flexible hoses with stainless steel AISI 304 external braid as reinforcement are available from DN 1/4” to DN 8” for application mainly in chemical and iron industry. The design of the hoses is in accordance to the specific requirements of the customers, so they are available with different end connections types and material.


– Depots
– Road tankers
– Tank container
– Rail tanks
– Filling stations
– Tankers

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